Exhibition SOHO

20.-29. March 2025 / Momentaufnahme
Tue-Fri 3-7 PM, Sat & Sun 12-4 PM
SOHO STUDIOS 1160, Liebknechtgasse 32

The current showing of the artists working at the SOHO STUDIOS includes an installation sketch of what I’m working on right now.

25. March 2025, 8 PM / HEUSCHNITT
Ein Spaziergang entlang der Donau.
Gedanken über Komposition, Welterzeugung und Zusammenarbeit über Spezies hinweg.

Pia Palme talks about her current work and projects

Publication Empowerment

I’m happy and grateful that my new article is now available in this important book.

“Wie Wir Wollen”
Über das Festival e_may als Beispiel für Empowerment und Aktivismus in der neuen Musik. Ein Erfahrungsbericht.
In the book Empowerment (Andrea Ellmeier, Doris Ingrisch, Claudia Walkensteiner-Preschl, editors) as part of the #mdw series ‘Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik, Theater, Film’ Böhlau, Wien 2025.

The article reports on the history of the feminist festival e_may for new and electronic music in Vienna. The festival, established in 2007 by Gina Mattiello and myself, existed until 2012. With over fifty commissions to female* composers it changed Austria’s landscape of contemporary music. The essay documents our engagement and evaluates the systemic impact of the festival on the contemporary music scene in Austria.

Link to publisher

#mdw #empowerment #e_may #music_history #Genderwissen #WieWirWollen

Radigue 2025

21 January 2025, 8 PM @echoraum
Series x x y x * + IMA Institute celebrating Éliane Radigue’s 93th birthday

Pia Palme + Rhodri Davies play Éliane Radigue (live performance)
OCCAM I for harp
OCCAM XVIII for bass recorder
OCCAM RIVER VI for harp and bass recorder

… and a screening of the IMAfiction portrait #04: Éliane Radigue (Paris, 2006)


I took this foto of Eliane Radigue in 2009, when she came to Vienna for the festival e_may, where some of her pieces were performed at the Wiener Konzerthaus.

I took this foto of Éliane Radigue in 2009 during her stay in Vienna for the festival e_may, when some of her electronic and instrumental pieces were performed at the Wiener Konzerthaus. She wanted to see the Danube. We went to the shore at Klosterneuburg, where she discovered this Buddhist shrine right next to the river and enjoyed turning the prayer-mills.

KNM Repeat!

30 November 2024, 20:00-22:00

KNM Ensemble Berlin 
REPEAT! @series reading music – the season

In their last concert of the series ‘reading music – the season’, KNM includes my text piece ZELLWÄRTS, commissioned and premiered in 2022.


A text from writer and poet Virpi Vairinen about SONGS AFTER NATURE

This text about the performance of SONGS AFTER NATURE at the Sibelius Museum Turku was written by the poet and writer Virpi Vairinen and recently published by the KONE Foundation, Finland. With the photo by Aamu Kirjonen & Anniina Saksa.

Microbiology in fall

17 October 2024, 19:00
Kunstareal Rosenbauer
Entschendorf 173, St. Margarethen

Helena Sorokina-Kogler, voice
Manuel Alcaraz Clemente, percussion
including my piece

Or is it microbiology?

WARP 2024

13 October 2024, 20:00 on time
@Neue Musik in St. Ruprecht
St. Ruprecht church
Ruprechtsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna


Pina Rücker / Pia Palme / Kristina Warren
perform with electronics, bass recorders, quartz bowls and objects


Listen to live recordings of WARP here >>>

Aveiro 2024

11 October 2024, 10:30 AM
Universidade de Aveiro
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte

Playing with the entanglement

Practising music, composition, and performance in the context of the posthuman convergence

I’m honored to be invited for an inaugural talk about my recent explorations and compositions at the Music Department of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, at the beginning of the academic season. https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/0/87941

Workshop MIMESIS Graz

4 – 6 October 2024

Forever apart, forever inventive

I contribute a critical investigation into mimesis in the context of working with audio scores and discuss how failure and diversity sustain complex creative processes at the intersection of listening, composing, and performing. I look forward to a lively discussion.

@Perception, Listening, Mimesis and Critique. Concepts and Theories of Aesthetic Experience. A meeting and workshop at the University of Graz
in cooperation with the ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst and the PEEK Project Sound as Score, conducted by Elisabeth Schimana


19 September 2024, 14:30

Something new is something lost

@HUMANS – MACHINES – ENVIRONMENTS convention [ÖGGF Jahrestagung 2024] TU Technical University Graz

I present a video and talk, a personal investigation of the culture/zoe/technology continuum. The video was filmed at the Siikaneva peatland, Finland, during my residency, see some video stills below.

Research at Hyytiälä

4 – 10 September 2024

Climate Whirl Art Program

I stay at the Hyytiälä Forest Station of the University of Helsinki, to do artistic research. I’m hosted as artist-in-residence by their Climate Whirl Art Program. I work outside most of the time, in the forest or in the Siikaneva wetland, a 9000-year-old pristine peatland—a unique swamp—nearby. The weather is warm and sunny—remarkably, during the time I stayed there, the temperatures in the region continuously reached record highs—above 24, 25° Celsius for several days in succession in the beginning of September—yet another sign of how climates are changing, even in central Finland.

Sibelius Museum 2024

31 August 2024, 7PM


@Sibelius Museum Turku, Finland
a theatrical ecology, duration 1 hour

Collectively developed and performed by Rosie Middleton, mezzo / Pia Palme, bass recorder, electronics, spoken voice / Elie Halonen, Shibari performance , costume design / Satu Hakamäki, dance performance, voice / Siiri Viljakka, live drawing, video projection / Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, double bass.

Texts and text improvisations by Pia Palme
Music by Pia Palme, Rosie Middleton, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

Produced as a co-production of the Saari Residence and Sibelius Museum Turku, with additional fundings for the compositional process by the SKE of the austro mechana.

SONGS AFTER NATURE Saari performance

24 August 2024, 16:30

Pre-performance of SONGS AFTER NATURE

We present a first draft of our new music theatre piece, a theatrical ecology with Rosie Middleton, Elie Halonen, Satu Hakamäki, Siiri Viljakka and myself, Pia Palme. Duration 60 minutes, at Jacob’s Barn, Saari Residence, Finland as part of the Harvest Party celebration at Saaren Kartano.

All fotos by Jussi Virkkuumaa / Saari Residence

Saari 2024

13 August – 1 September 2024

SONGS AFTER NATURE project residence

Group work period at the Saari Residence of the Kone Foundation, Finland
with Pia Palme, Rosie Middleton, Elie Halonen, Satu Hakamäki, Siiri Viljakka, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

We are invited to produce a music theatre performance [performative ecology] as part of the SONGS AFTER NATURE project that began in April 2024.


Or is it microbiology?

22. + 23. Juni, 20:00 (Musik), 19:30 (Einlass), Dauer 70 Minuten
@Zacherlfabrik 1190 Wien, Nusswaldgasse 14 in der Halle und im Park (je nach Wetter)

Idee / Musik / Text von Pia Palme (2022/2024)

Helena Sorokina, Kontraalt
Manuel Alcaraz Clemente, Schlagwerk
Pia Palme, Blockflöten + Performance
Thomas Gorbach, Klangregie

Ensemble airborne extended:

Caroline Mayrhofer, Blockflöte / Elena Gabbrielli, Bassquerflöte / Tina Žerdin, Harfe / Sonja Leipold, Cembalo

Elisabeth Flunger, External Eye
Installation von Palme & Flunger

Eintritt 0/10/15/20 € as you wish

Mehr Informationen: ZELTEN 2024
Kontakt: musikzimmer[at]aon.at

Dank and die Förderer: die Veranstaltung wird mit Mitteln der Kulturförderung der Stadt Wien und des BMKÖS Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport realisiert.

Foto by Markus Gradwohl



Preparing for the performance and festival next week, I spent the morning on the shore of the river Danube, listening, writing texts, and yes, also swimming. Loved it. High water level, almost no space to sit next to the water.

Festival 2024


Ein Festival für heutige Musik, posthumanen Diskurs und Performance.
In Kooperation mit der IGNM Internationalen Gesellschaft für neue Musik Wien und deren Call for Project 2024/25 sowie ORF musikprotokoll und SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe.

Idee und Umsetzung: Pia Palme. Produktion: Stefan Robinig.

5. + 6. + 7. June 2024
from 19:00 (music begins 20:00)




a theatrical ecology (2024)

5 June 2024, 20:00 @SOHO STUDIOS Ottakring
Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Vienna

This experimental music theatre piece was developed in a collective process.
It was performed by Elie Halonen/Shibari artist, Satu Hakamäki/dance and Juliet Fraser/vocalist, Pia Palme/bass recorder, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka/double bass and Christina Bauer/sound design. External Eye: Lisa Horvath. Music by Palme, Fraser and Maierhhofer-Lischka. Texts by Pia Palme. Costume design and realisation by Elie Halonen. Osvaldo Alvarez/lighting.

More about the piece and a trailer is here >>>

Duration: 1 hour
Presented as part of the festival MUSIC AFTER NATURE

“The most risky and delightful piece and group process I could initiate and participate in. It took a long time to bring this project to realisation, it was possible with this amazing collective of artists. The piece mirrors our overall condition at this time of global entanglement and convergence. Failure, pain and fun so close together.” Pia Palme

Foto by Elisabeth Flunger

Microbiology 2024

Or is it microbiology?

20/05/2024 at 18:30 AULA Kunstuniversität Graz
Festival SONify! Graz, Styria

Helena Sorokina, contralto
Manuel Alcaraz Clemente, percussion

Singer Helena Sorokina and percussionist Manuel Alcaraz Clemente perform the piece that I wrote for them last year. A lot of dried roses and plant material is to be expected in this performance. If you want to listen to this piece and read more about it, go to Or is it microbiology


Radio Supernova

Supernova. Aus der Langen Nacht der neuen Musik.

A feature in Radio OE1, with music by Katharina Klement, Pia Palme, Flora St. Loup, Sara Zlanabitnig, Ming Wang, Tahereh Nourani und Isabella Forciniti, presented by Marie-Therese Rudolph and Marlene Schnedl. All pieces were live recorded at the ORF RadioKulturhaus in Vienna. Tune in!

Listen to the webradio under

Vanished Shorelines

and film screening WECHSELWIRKUNG @echroaum Vienna

19/03/2024, 20:00 @echoraum

In her monthly series XX Y X, the curator and filmmaker Michaela Schwentner presents a screening of her film WECHSELWIRKUNG showing the premiere of the music theatre piece with the same name during the festival wienmodern 2020. It was a collaborative work for which I composed the music and texts.

In the second part of the evening, my piece VANISHED SHORELINES is performed by Sonja Leipold playing two harpsichords and myself doing the electronic part. This piece was developed for the festival Unsafe+Sounds 2022.

Writing 2024

Winds of change, January and February 2024

These days I’m doing a lot of writing., researching, contemplating.

I need time for myself, quiet time. Essays must be finished and concepts for compositions sketched down. I’m working on texts for vocal pieces. I read a lot, too. At the same time, I witness deep changes within myself, due to some personal developments and events. It is not easy to concentrate with so much going on inside. Strong winds blow through the city. The weather mirrors my condition: winds of change.

Currently, I’m not so busy with music performances. I mostly work on projects for the future. It is hard work; many things are still in a fermenting phase. I cannot talk much about them yet, although I lead some good conversations with colleagues and enjoy the profound exchanges. During this time, I cannot post anything in social media and entertain with nice pictures and reports about successful performances. Thinking and imagining are hidden activities.


RAUSCHEN. An excursion across the border between the wanted and the unwanted – and then back again.

My article has just been published with Bloomsbury Academic, in the anthology A Sound Word Almanac, Bernd Herzogenrath (editor). The book offers a compilation of words associated with sound, from various cultures and languages all over the world. Fascinating to read!

Order in any bookstore or online. ISBN HB: 979-8-7651-0905-2
Bloomsbury Academic, USA 2024.

Texts and Writings as Agencies in Composition

Texts and Writings as Agencies in Composition. A Posthuman Tractate.

My article is published with Universal Edition, in the series Studien zur Wertungsforschung, Band 65, in Text as Source and Material in Contemporary Music Theatre, Christa Brüstle (editor). I enjoyed writing this text, the topic is important in my practice. A pdf is available at my website under tetxs.

Order online or in any bookstore. Universal Edition, Wien/London/New York 2023, ISBN 978-3-7024-7793-6.

Cantando Admont in December

Ensemble Cantando Admont
A sei voci – Gesprächskonzert Pia Palme

05/12/2023, 19:30 Reaktor Wien
The vocal ensemble Cantando Admont, conducted by Cordula Bürgi, performs my piece MORDACIOUS LIPS, TO DUST as part of an amazing program mixing the old and the new. A pre-concert talk will introduce my work.

Festival SUAL 2023


12/10/2023, 21:20 as part of the festival
shut up and listen! 2023 ‘ka:os
@echoraum Wien

PINK VOID – Vier Positionen / Kollektive Improvisation
mit Isabella Forciniti, Pia Palme, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Aleksandra Bajde

The festival begins at 19:00 with installations and performances.

MTTW 2023

21/09/2023 Austrian Music Theatre Day
Fluid Spaces – New Music Theatre in the Era of Machine Learning
Among others, I will give a short presentation my recent music theatre WECHSELWIRKUNG.
Full program under www.mttw.at

Critical Posthumanism Summer School with philosopher Rosi Braidotti

Studies with Rosi Braidotti in Utrecht

From August 21-25, I study with the philosopher Rosi Braidotti at the University of Utrecht, in the Critical Posthumanism Summer School together with a large and vibrant community of international students. It’s intense, the reading list is sheer endless, talks and discussions inspiring, exhaustion and delight mingle. The watery landscape around Utrecht accommodates it all. I take long excursions with my bike – I came by train this time and took my collapsible bike with me. Best decision ever, although I’m the slowest person around. Birds, farm animals, the light, the waterways offers space to breathe. In the evenings, I come out here to read.

The remains of writing

The remains of writing

During the posthuman summer school, we had fun doing experiments together. Here, three of us perform on a table together, we write, draw and read, and crash paper. I quickly fabricate a video of what remains from all that.

Radio Ö1 Lange Nacht der neuen Musik

New solo piece + text

28/07/2023, 22:03 to 29/07/2023, 06:00
7 Stunden: Eine feministische Hör-Tour. Komponieren, publizieren, organisieren: Wegbereiterinnen aus vier Jahrzehnten.

Presented by Marie-Therese Rudolph and Marlene Schnedl, Radio Ö1 features new music by female* composers for 7 hours. I contributed to an extended conversation with composers Katharina Klement, Ming Wang, Flora St. Loup and the two presenters. For this radio feature, I was invited to perform this new piece for bass recorder and spoken voice. It was recorded live at Funkhaus Studio 2. Here is the situation in the studio, I used the piece of paper on a stand for live noise production in the performance.

Fall 2023

The Ear of Dionysius

Recently, I spent some time in Siracusa, Sicily. These pictures show the ancient quarry and the famous cave that is called the Ear of Dionysius. The acoustics of the place are fascinating.


11/06/2023 – 19:30 Brücken 2023
Kunsthaus Mürz/Neuberg Münster und Kreuzgang
Cantando Admont: a sei voci
Performing works by Palme, Cardoso, Filidei, Winkelmann


BRYOZOA @echoraum



21/04/2023 – 13:30-14:50 Dokkhuset Trondheim, Norway
@14th SAR Conference TOO EARLY TOO LATE
Performance lecture Pia Palme & Govert Valkenburg TIME(S) ON EARTH with spoken texts & a music performance by Palme (bass recorder) & Valkenburg (alto sax), texts by Palme & Valkenburg, composition & video by Pia Palme.

Read the abstract under https://sar2023.no/node/33


30/03/2023 – 19:30 KunstbeTrieb
Klostergasse 11, 1180 Wien
Duo Kristina Warren + Pia Palme
Live music with electronics, piano and bass recorder, videos by the artists


27/03/2023 – 19:00-01:00 Celeste Vienna
Monday Improvisers Session | Club Opening Set
Christina Warren, Pia Palme
hosted by Didi Kern

Or is it microbiology_Klagenfurt

15/03/2023 – 19:00 Neuer Saal, Gustav Mahler University, Klagenfurt
Concert Schallfeld Ensemble Graz
Works by Mahnkopf, Palme, Posadas, Yoshida,
featuring the premiere of my new work and text
Or is it microbiology? (2023)
for lower voice and percussion
with Helena Sorokina (contraalto) and Manuel Alcaraz-Clemente

Cantando 1

24/02/2023 – 20:00 Pfarrkirche Mariahilf Graz
Gesprächskonzert Cantando Admont / a sei voci
Directed by Cordula Buergi, the ensemble performs my work
(2016, for four voices)
alongside works by M. Cardoso (1566 – 1650) and F. Filidei

Depot 01/2023

video still Cryoglyphs

26/01/2023 – 19.00 Depot Wien
Fragile Klänge: Pia Palme, Komponistin & Performerin
Buchpräsentation & Screening

Kann Musik „mit anderen Ohren“ gehört werden? Die Komponistin und künstlerische Forscherin Dr. Pia Palme stellt ihr aktuelles Buch vor und berichtet von ihrer Arbeit über die Fragilität der Klänge. Ihre These ist, dass eine feministische und ökologische Grundhaltung persönliche Hörgewohnheiten verändern kann. Das Hintergrundrauschen wird wahrgenommen, ein Raum in seiner Tiefe ausgelotet.

Videoscreening: Cryoglyphs, Pia Palme 2022, 17 Min.
Buch: Lehmann & Palme (Hg.), Sounding Fragilities. An Anthology, Hofheim: Wolke Verlag 2022.
#DepotWien #Cryoglyphs #SoundingFragilities #FeministComposing

Published in 2022

22/12/2022 Publication
My article and video
Composing with a Polluted Planet
is be published as part of the (Peer reviewed) volume
Performing, Engaging, Knowing
Proceedings of the 7th Study Group Meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, Switzerland.



17/11/2022 Radio OE1 23:03 – 24:00
series Zeitton & musikprotokoll
Astrid Schwarz presents a feature about my performance and the dialogue with musicologist Susanne Kogler, @musikprotokoll in October. With a new recording of NOCH RADIKALER (2022) @studio Martin Siewert.

Music and discourse with Pia Palme, Susanne Kogler, Astrid Schwarz


02/11/2022 – 19:30 to 22:00 @echroaum Vienna 
An evening with music & discourse featuring live performances by Electric Indigo, Veza Fernández, Elaine Mitchener, Séverine Ballon, and Pia Palme. Discourse with musicologist Dr. Susanne Kogler (University of Graz).

A collaboration of echoraum with Ventil Records and the Project Fragility of Sounds, around the book Sounding Fragilities. An Anthology (Lehmann & Palme) and the Ventil album Fragility of Sounds



12/10/2022 – 15:00 to 18:00
Gustav Mahler University for Music, Klagenfurt
Workshop about improvisation with Pia Palme
for ERASMUS+ BIP Project Trittico 2022


07/10/2022 14:30 – 16:00
Panel – musikprotokoll @ARTikulationen
Whodentity – Self and Other in Artistic Collaborations
With Caroline Gatt, John Eckhardt, Miya Masaoka, Pia Palme
photo #musikprotokoll 2022 ARTikulationen panel, credit M. Gross

08/10/2022 @musikprotokoll & Kunstuniversität Graz
Pia Palme | Sounding Fragilities

Palais Meran, Kleiner Saal, 14:30-16:00
performance, book presentation & discussion

Unsafe & Sounds

30/09/2022 – 6:30
Festival Unsafe+Sounds
among others: Pia Palme & Sonja Leipold performing the new piece VANISHED SHORELINES | verschwundene Ufer
@Zacherlfabrik, 1190 Wien, Nußwaldgasse 14

Listen to the piece here >>>


24/09/2022 – 19:00, echroaum Vienna
@ Shut up and listen! 
Transdisziplinäres Festival für Musik und Klangkunst

19:00 DE GUSTIBUS … esse disputandum — discourse
with Jury Everhartz, Johannes Kretz, Wei-Ya Lin, Pia Palme, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, Brigitte Wilfing, Bernhard Gál (Moderation)

21:00 Film screening Pia Palme: Echology

Loidl 2022

17/09/2022 – 15:45-17:15
@Literaturmeile Zieglergasse, Galerie-Lounge
Zum 65. Geburtstag von Christian Loidl
Der Verein Farnblüte präsentiert eine Lyrik-Performance mit u.a. Susanne Toth,
Musik von Marwan Abado, Wolfgang Musil, Pia Palme


10 + 11/09/2022 – 17:00
@Zacherlfabrik, 1190 Nusswaldgasse 14, inside & outside
ZELTEN am verschwundenen Ufer
Concert, performance, ecologies
with ensemble airborne extended, Manuel Alcaraz-Clemente, Thomas Gorbach, Pia Palme
Thanks to the BMKOES Department of Music, Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien and SKE austro mechana for funding this project.

June 2022 Angewandte

My desk at home. Yes, the snake skin plays an important part in my new performance for the Angewandte Festival. I found it at Saari, during my residence. The video was also filmed at the Saari Residence. If you want to read more about the snakes, go to my blog [WITH] Saari.

29/06/2022 @Sonic Sensibility
Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien

16:00 Panel discussion with Ricarda Denzer, Peter Kutin, Pia Palme and Karl Salzmann, moderated by Elisabeth Falkensteiner
19:00-21:00 performances by Paul Ebhart, Pia Palme, Fabian Lanzmaier.

I present my new performance
In a former post office. A performative ecology
Solo with voice, bass recorder, electronics, video & paper

video still
video still

Consider the old hall: it sounds by itself. In my performance, it is my living collaborator. I ask for their permission. It is alive and speaks with me. It allows me to project my video onto its surface. The hall performs with my instrument, reflecting, resonating, masking sound waves. My voice is with the floor, crawling into the basement. No, this is (not) another kind of animism, it is purely scientific thinking. My breath enters my instrument, flows through the big tube and exits through holes and openings. Softly, my sounding breath touches the walls, the columns, and moves up towards the glass ceiling. I listen to its history. We bow to each other.

Empowerment 1

28 & 29/04/2022 Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesungstagung 2022
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Empowerment. Wissen und Geschlecht in Musik/Theater/Film

28/04/2022, 3:45 – 4:45 PM
Lecture Pia Palme
MIT. Komponieren im Netzwerk als künstlerische und ökofeministische Praxis

(publication forthcoming)
Conception: Evelyn Annuß, Andrea Ellmeier, Doris Ingrisch, Claudia Walkensteiner-Preschl. With, among others, Evelyn Annuß, Sabeth Buchmann, Faika El-Nagashi, Dagmar Fink, Marko Kölbl, Pia Palme, Luki Schmitz, Bernadette Weigel, Katja Wiederspahn.


26/04/2022 – 20:00 PM, Sibelius Museum Turku


A theatrical ecology with
Elie Halonen & Satu Hakamäki – shibari dance performance
Pia Palme – composition/subbass recorders
Mari Zhiginas – voice
Tuomas Laitinen – dialogist
Siiri Viljakka – live sketching
Storyboard and concept by Palme/Halonen/Hakamäki/Laitinen
Idea, collection of plant materials and videos by Pia Palme.
All artists are currently fellows at the Saari Residence maintained by Kone Foundation.

Photo of Satu Hakamäki during rehearsal by Tuomas Laitinen

On a former island is a theatrical ecology that brings together sound, dance, text, humans, visuals, paper, plant material, and anorganic matter and was developed for the Sibelius Museum. The piece was initiated by the composer and artistic researcher Pia Palme (Austria) and conceived, developed, and staged with Elie Halonen, Satu Hakamäki and Tuomas Laitinen (Finland). The artists met during their residence at Saari in March and April, found that they share a deep connection with nature and ecology in art, and decided to enter a risky collaborative process. They are joined by the vocalist Mari Zhiginas (Ukraine). For all of them, the interaction of disciplines in this form was new and offered space for joyful experimentation and discovery. Siiri Viljakka, comic artist, projects the performance onto paper by means of simultaneous sketching and drawing.

Titanik Turku

23/04/2022 – 7 PM
Titanik Gallery Turku
Duo Topias Tiheäsalo/lute & Pia Palme/bass recorders

KONE 1/2022

@Jussi Virkkumaa/Saari Residence 2022


Saari Residency 3 March to 29 April 2022

WITH [Saari]

On March 3rd I will begin my work at the Saari Residency in Hietamäki near Turku, Finland by invitation of the Kone Foundation – until the end of April. I’m very much looking forward to this stay. My plan is to travel there by car, moving slowly across Europe. I bring instruments, electronic gear, books, and warm clothes. I want to feel the distance, the countries in between Vienna and Turku, and get a taste of the various landscapes. With this journey, I also want to commemorate my grandfather. 

My plan is to compose, to make art and music, and write. The core theme is about bringing ecological ideas into my practice, experimenting with structures that draw on ecosystem ecology and creating compositional concepts that mirror these ideas. I want to listen to, and practice with, the environment and into myself, from an ecofeminist position.


03–12 December 2021 KNM Ensemble Berlin
@The National Taichung Theater (Taiwan)
Tunings of the World 2.0

reading music #9 – #13

Text compositions by Pia Palme (AUT), Yi-De Chen (TWN), Bumki Kim (KOR),
Chao-Ming Tung (TWN) and Julio Estrada (MEX)

Featuring ZELLWÄRTS (Palme 2021)

Watch the trailer here

閱讀音樂宣傳片_修改 from KNM Berlin on Vimeo.


5+6/11/2021 – 20:00 @FAHRBEREITSCHAFT – teilelager
Herzbergstraße 40–43, 10365 Berlin
MUSIC FOR a house + a street

The ensemble Berlin KNM presents new works by Julio Estrada, Laure M. Hiendl, Carlos Iturralde, Bum Ki Kim, Fang-Yi Lin, Wei-Chih Liu, Chao-Ming Tung, Pia Palme, Ana Maria Rodriguez and others.
With the premiere of my new text piece

commissioned by the KNM ensemble.



17/09/2021 Salon Praterstraße, 20:00
1020 Wien, Praterstraße 17

Vom Finden und Filtern extended
Wie aus der Fülle ein Gedicht wird, das in die Leere führt

in Kooperation mit der Schule für Dichtung sfd und dem Salon

Mit Eva Lavric, Ralph Klever (Konzeption, Kommentare, Workshop)
Pia Palme (Musik), Charley Eybl (Kamera, Schnitt)


10/09/2021 @Ars Electronica Linz
at Kepler’s Gardens, outside Kepler Hall
As part of the Big Concert Night 19:30 – 21:00
Music from the IMA Archive / With Beatriz Ferreyra, Pia Palme, Andrea Sodomka, curated by Elisabeth Schimana.

Links: Große Konzertnacht 

Featuring my piece EXHIBIT #1 (2009) for Kempelen’s ‘Sprechmaschine’ [reconstructed by Jakob Scheid] plus Pia Palme – electronics, with Gina Mattiello  – voice & with a text from Bernadette Schiefer.


August 11/2021, 19:20 @isaSCIENCE
Summer academy of the mdw Vienna at Reichenau, Austria
Lecture performance Pia Palme
Feministing the ZKM or How to Establish a Musical Ecosystem beyond the Canon

Link to isaSCIENCE

July Zeitton 1

Very happy to announce that the Austrian Radio OE1 presents an extended feature as a three-part series about my work as composer and about the artistic research project On the Fragility of Sounds at the Kunstuniversität Graz under my direction.

July 15/2021, 23:03 – 24:00 (MESZ)

Zeit-Ton Radio OE1 & online
Marie-Therese Rudolph presents:
Composer’s Portrait Pia Palme. Auf vielseitig verschlungenen Wegen.
Listen under

July 16/2021, 23:03 – 24:00 (MESZ)

Zeit-Ton Radio OE1 & online
Presented by Astrid Schwarz
On the Fragility of Sounds (1)
Ein Rückblick auf das künstlerische Forschungsprojekt “On the Fragility of Sounds”
With music by Elisabeth Schimana, Séverine Ballon, Elaine Mitchener, Electric Indigo (commissioned by On the Fragility of Sounds) and an excerpt of Wechselwirkung by Pia Palme. With, among others, the ensembles Schallfeld, Phace, and soprano Juliet Fraser.
Listen under

July 18/2021, 22:05 – 23:00 (MESZ)
Zeit-Ton Radio OE1 & online
Presented by Astrid Schwarz
On the Fragility of Sounds (2). Christina Lessiak empfiehlt.

Listen under

Séverine Ballon and ensemble Schallfeld performing at Schaumbad Graz, June 2021. Foto by Palme.

June 2021

June 30/2021 at 19:00 @Schaumbad, Graz
The Fragility of Sounds Concert Night
with Séverine Ballon, Pia Palme and Ensemble Schallfeld.

Lorenzo Derinni, Violine
Francesca Piccioni, Viola
Myriam Garcia Fidalgo, Violoncello
Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Kontrabass

Séverine Ballon, Violoncello
Pia Palme, Bassblockflöte

Diskurs: Dr. Irene Lehmann

Eintritt gegen freie Spende

Das Konzert ist Teil des künstlerischen PEEK Forschungsprojektes On the Fragility of Sounds (2019 – 2021) an der KUG Kunstuniversität Graz, Zentrum für Genderforschung | FWF PEEK AR537. Gefördert vom FWF Austrian Science Fund. 


June 16/2021 02:00 PM, London
Zoom class Pia Palme
WITH – Towards an ecology in music
@ CRiSAP Sound Arts, London College of Communication,
University of the Arts London

2021 March

For more events concerning artistic research at the University for Music and Performing Arts Graz, please look at my research project website
for current updates.

Tunings of the World 2021

Saturday, 29 May 2021, 6 pm
KNM’s Salon #2 – Historical Instruments in Contemporary Music
Stream fom KNM’s Garage 51 | Fahrbereitschaft Berlin

Moderation: Dr. Liam Cagney
Guests: Dr. Pia Palme, Komponistin (AUT)  |  Chao-Ming Tung, Komponist (TWN)  |  Matthew Conley, Musiker (USA/DEU)

Pia Palme : KREIDEBLEICH (2019-2021)ma piece for harpsichord with microtonal tuning and preparations, version #4 (2021) with video, Sonja Leipold, Cembalo
Ana Maria Rodriguez : Piedras for contrabass clarinet, baroque trumpet and live-electronics
Ensemble KNM Berlin


Lecture 9

Thursday, March 18/2021 – 5 PM [CET/UTC+1] Online Event

The Fragility of Sounds Lecture Series
Summary & Lecture #9

This is the final presentation in the series of lectures I curated with Christina Lessiak as part of my artistic research.

Pia Palme:
WITH. The significance of a preposition in my practice.

More about the series here >>>

Streaming WW

Online Streaming from January 13th 2021, 8PM
to February 13th 2021, 8 PM

Wien Modern and Fragility of Sounds present
WECHSELWIRKUNG – an experimental music theatre

The film of the piece by Michaela Schwentner was available from 13 January until 13 February.


Juliet Fraser by David Visnjic

13.-15./11/2020 WUK Projektraum Vienna
in cooperation with Wien Modern festival and ensemble PHACE

A montage for the Anthropocene

A piece for singer, dancer, electronics and instrumental ensemble
world premiere 60’
by Pia Palme, Paola Bianchi, Juliet Fraser, Irene Lehmann, Christina Lessiak − an artistic research collaboration group
as part of the PEEK Project On the fragility of sounds

The piece was premiered without audience and filmed.
Watch the trailer here:


10/October/2020 – 19:30

Café Korb, Art Lounge downstairs
Composer’s Lounge 
with Duo Skweres (Yui Iwata-Skweres – Violine/Tomasz Skweres – Violoncello)
Astrid Rieder (TransArt), Pia Palme, Mia Zabelka.


September 2020
Gallery 12-14 contemporary
12-14 Schleifmühlgasse 1040 Wien

My video Forest#1 featuring oboists Molly McDolan & Ana Inés Feola
with oboe da caccia is part of an installation by Molly McDolan.

24/09/2020  19:00
Hasenherz: Performance im Rahmen der Ausstellung (Des)Orientierung
Molly McDolan & Ana Inés Feola perform
Eins und Doppelt (Pia Palme 2019/2020) 

Discussion with Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond.
Works by Gerburg Neunteufl Pipina Schickaneder, Peter Hoiß & Anderwald & Grond. Curated by Hubert Hasler


Aktionsradius AugartenGaußplatz 11, 1020 Wien
In Erinnerung an Christian Loidl:
Vom Finden und Filtern
Mitwirkende: Monika Heimbach, Christian Katt, Jaan Karl Klasmann, Eva Lavric, Richard Weihs
mit Live-Musik von Pia Palme

This is the first event by Aktionsradius Augarten since the lockdown in March.


Radio orange playlist for Radio Augarten for the feature
Christian Loidl: Schaffensprozess aus Lyrik und Performancekunst
presented by Mischa G. Hendl includes
More Radically (Pia Palme & Rosie Middleton; Text by Pia Palme)
The Sampler and the Drum (Pia Palme & Eric Gingras; Text by Pia Palme)


September 12 to 17/2020
Artistic research & rehearsals

with Juliet Fraser, Paola Bianchi & Dr. Irene Lehmann
in Vienna


A summer full of surprises.


August 2020
UNCOOL Artist Residency, Poschiavo (CH)

I have been invited to be Artist in Residence in August, I travel to the Swiss mountain district Bernina, to the Uncool Residency in Poschiavo (organised and curated by Cornelia Müller). In a year like this, I very much look forward to this unique opportunity – and I hope that everybody stays healthy and everything will work out, including travel.

Public presentations

21/08/2020 – 5 PM Gardini Incantati
Casa Hasler Poschiavo
Trio PLS Palme/Loibner/Stempkowski


12 & 19 & 26 August 2020, 4PM concert series
Oratorio St. Anna, Poschiavo
A Montage of J. S. Bach & Improvisations
Pia Palme Solo, contrabass recorder unplugged


02/08/2020 OE1 series KUNSTRADIO 23:00 – 24:00
presented and curated by Elisabeth Zimmermann
available via webradio until August 8th here: https://oe1.orf.at/player/20200802/607747

ISOLATION ISLAND – Reisebericht von einer Dämmerungslinie  (2020)

This is the premiere of my 41 minute radio composition – or should I say radio experiment? – commissioned by KUNSTRADIO. It’s about my experiences and explorations as an artist in residence on Örö, a tiny island in the Finnish archipelago. Woven into field recordings, electronic music, and remixed compositions that were inspired by the residency, I talk and play my contrabass recorder. And, of course, I reflect upon some more recent observations about the  lockdown, which reminded me so much about the exposed and isolated situation in Finland.


Anna Clare Hauf, mezzosoprano
Molly McDolan, Ana Inés Feola, baroque oboe instruments
Ensemble airborne extended:
Caroline Mayrhofer, alto recorder
Elena Gabbrielli, bass flute
Tina Žerdin, harp
Sonja Leipold, harpsichord

Remix and electronic music by Pia Palme
Mastering and radio sound design: Elmar Peinelt, ORF Funkhaus studios
Texts by Pia Palme written on Örö, Finland 2018 and in Vienna 2020

Thanks to the Örö Residency Programme, SKE Austro mechana, FWF Austrian Science Fund, BMKOES Ministry for supporting this work.


Derzeit arbeite ich an meinem neuen Musiktheaterstück WECHSELWIRKUNG, das im November bei Wien Modern uraufgeführt wird, mit u.a. Juliet Fraser, Paola Bianchi und dem Ensemble PHACE im Projektraum WUK.

Currently, I compose my new music theatre WECHSELWIRKUNG. Premiere planned in November with Wien Modern 2020, with ensemble PHACE at Projektraum WUK. Artistic research conducted in collaboration with Paola Bianchi, Juliet Fraser, and Christina Lessiak. 

echoraum May

May 12/2020 – 20:00
>>> echoraum Wien will be moved tba.
Die Blaue Stunde
with Séverine Ballon, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Pia Palme,
ensemble Schallfeld


May 7/2020 – 23:00-24:00
Radio feature in the OE1 series ZEITTON
about the project Fragility of Sounds
presented by Astrid Schwarz

May 7 & 8/2020
Festival Fragility of Sounds
Kunstuniversität Graz
(including a premiere of my piece for voice, dance & ensemble with ensemble Schallfeld)


April 29/2020
Portrait concert Pia Palme
@ONB Austrian National Library
with Anna C. Hauf,
ensemble airborne extended, Molly McDolan

Workshop Sydney

April 1/2020
Workshop Pia Palme @ University of Sydney, Australia
and research collaboration
with the Composing Women programme
and Prof. Liza Lim at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music

Makeitup Club Melbourne

March 31st, 8pm / Make It Up Club Melbourne
online concert#2
Michelle Nguyen/electronics
Oz Kesik/electronics
Maz Benjemaa/guitar
Pia Palme/contrabass recorder

Workshop Monash

March 26/2020
Workshop Pia Palme @ Monash University, Melbourne
and collaboration with Prof. Cat Hope, Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music


My article
Performing Gender as Polyphony
is published in the book

Irene Lehmann, Katharina Rost, Rainer Simon (Eds.)
Staging Gender –
Reflexionen aus Theorie und Praxis der performativen Künste
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2019


Happy about this release by the brilliant Rhodri Davies
featuring an ensemble performance I took part in.

Mattetoline_December 2020

December 12 & 13/2019 – 20:00
off-Theater, Vienna

December 14/2019 – 20:00

Theater im Palais, Graz

MATTETOLINE (Palme 2019)
music-theatre performance

with Annette Schönmüller, Manuel Alcaraz-Clemente,
Pia Palme, Christina Bauer,
Peter Venus

Photography: Barbara Pálffy


November 17th/2019 15:00
Pia Palme performs MORE RADICALLY #2 (Palme 2019)
solo for spoken text and bass recorder
Paris, Cathédrale Américaine,
Concert à l’occasion du 30ème anniversaire de la fin de la guerre froide et de la libération de l’Europe centrale


11-15th November 2019
Orpheus Instituut Ghent
I participate in the Orpheus Research Summit 2019


As composer/performer I’m invited to the Banff Residency for Performing Arts, Early Fall at the Banff Centre of the Arts, Canada, from September 15th to October 19th 2019. The residency is supported by the FWF PEEK Project AR537 “On the fragility of sounds”.

October_ Skinpaperfragility

October 18th/2019 7:30 PM
Banff centre of the Arts, Canada, Rolston Hall

Skinpaperfragility (Palme, Banff 2019)

for spoken text, bass recorder, a membrane paper score & silent video
with Pia Palme, bass recorder, voice &
Jane Gowan, paper performance
@Participants Concert Banff

video still

video still

paper score installation

score & choreography for percussion performer


4th October/2019 7:30 PM
Banff Centre of the Arts, Canada, Rolston Hall
MORE RADICALLY (Pia Palme, Banff 2019)
for voice, bass recorder, spoken text, and silent video

with Pia Palme, bass recorder, texts and Rosie H. Middleton, voice
@Participant’s Concert Banff Centre of the Arts

September_2019_The Drum

27th September/2019 7:30 PM
Banff Centre of the Arts, Canada, Rolston Hall
The Drum and the Sampler (Palme & Gingras, Banff 2019)

Composition and performance by
Pia Palme (concept, composition, bass drum)
& Eric Gingras (composition, sampler)
@Participant’s Concert Banff Centre of the Arts




I work on a new music theatre performance as part of
the artistic research project On the fragility of sounds.
Composing and researching, I evaluate the artistic process that took place since the project start in March.

Project website: www.fragilityofsounds.org


02/07/2019 Radio OE1 Zeitton

Fokus Komponistinnen im 21. Jahrhundert

Musicologist Marie-Therese Rudolph reports on the
UNESCO conference Être Compositrice in Paris 2019
and features an excerpt of the
lecture-performance Pia Palme & Elisabeth Harnik
held at the beginning of the conference.

Also, listen to Ute Wassermann performing in
Patterns to punctuate song, with darkness (Palme 2016)

Link to the entire programme


20/06/2019 University of Huddersfield

Performing a feminist utopia:
music theatre as democratic practice


Paper presentation by Pia Palme and Christina Lessiak
about the Project On the fragility of sounds FWF AR 537
held at the Study Days
Music and Democracy: Beyond Metaphors and Idealisation

Convenors: Igor Contreras Zubillaga and Robert Adligton
University of Huddersfield, 20-21 June 2019