Writing 2024

Winds of change, January and February 2024

These days I’m doing a lot of writing., researching, contemplating.

I need time for myself, quiet time. Essays must be finished and concepts for compositions sketched down. I’m working on texts for vocal pieces. I read a lot, too. At the same time, I witness deep changes within myself, due to some personal developments and events. It is not easy to concentrate with so much going on inside. Strong winds blow through the city. The weather mirrors my condition: winds of change.

Currently, I’m not so busy with music performances. I mostly work on projects for the future. It is hard work; many things are still in a fermenting phase. I cannot talk much about them yet, although I lead some good conversations with colleagues and enjoy the profound exchanges. During this time, I cannot post anything in social media and entertain with nice pictures and reports about successful performances. Thinking and imagining are hidden activities.