Arbeitsproben und Werkbeispiele

Or is it microbiology? (2023)

A piece for lower voice and percussion, music and text @Palme 2023, duration 15 minutes.
Composed for Helena Sorokina and Manuel Alcaraz Clemente (Schallfeld Ensemble) first performed @GMPU Klagenfurt 15/03/2023.

In this piece, dried roses and leaves contribute as percussive instruments. The plant material is handled by the percussionist and the singer. The music and text contain snippets from a love song by the composer Francesca Caccini.

Score and text under Microbiology_Score_Palme_2023
More information under Or is it microbiology?

Audio recording of the performance via soundcloud.

VANISHED SHORELINES | verschwundene Ufer (2022)

A piece for extended harpsichords with a microtonal tuning, and electronics including live processing (4-channel) – 35′
first performed by Sonja Leipold and Pia Palme @Unsafe+Sounds Festival 2022, Zacherlfabrik 30/09/2022.

#baroque_noise #contemporary #harpsichord
Further information under


An experimental music theatre piece for singer, dancer, ensemble and electronics (2020). Collectively created by Pia Palme, Paola Bianchi, Juliet Fraser, Irene Lehmann, Christina Fischer-Lessiak, the artistic research collaboration group as part of the PEEK Project On the fragility of sounds. Duration 60’.

Music, text & installation @Pia Palme. Produced and premiered in cooperation with wienmodern 2020, direction Lars Mlekusch, with ensemble PHACE.

Full film of the premiere by Michaela Schwendtner under
Information under


A piece for four singers (soprano, countertenor, tenor, bass), text & music @Pia Palme 2015.
Composed for the ensemble EXAUDI as part of the Sound and Music Portfolio Project. The composition was further supported by the Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien Musik and the BKA Austria. Premiered at the EXAUDI EXPOSURE 17/10/2015 @The Warehouse, London.

Partitur (Musik und Text @Pia Palme) unter MORDACIOUS LIPS:Score
Informations under 

Audio recording of the London performance via soundcloud.

BRYOZOA (2023)

Eine komponierte Ökologie, die für eine Kooperation mit dem Duo Hoodwink (Winnie Huang und Kevin T. Fairbairn) entstand. Dauer 45 Minuten, mit Musik, Text, Video und einer Bewegungschoreographie für 3 Performer:innen. Mit Violine, Tenorposaune, 3 großen Trommeln (zwei davon horizontal montiert), Chimes aus Nüssen und Pflanzenschalen, Bassblockflöte, Sprechstimme, Papier und Pflanzenteilen.

No recording availbale. Informationen zum Stück hier BRYOZOA
Die Partitur ist zur Ansicht hier:

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Ist zu finden unter https://piapalme/works