VANISHED SHORELINES | verschwundene Ufer
a piece for extended harpsichords with a microtonal tuning, and electronics including live processing (4-channel) – 35′
first performed by Sonja Leipold and Pia Palme @Unsafe+Sounds Festival 2022, Zacherlfabrik 30/09/2022.
#baroque_noise #contemporary #harpsichord
The piece makes use of extended harpsichord techniques and is structured as a contemporary Chaconne with ambient-like intersections. Baroque opulence mixes with noise and reduced drone-like soundscapes. The composition includes specified improvisation passages and integrates field recordings from the forests at the Finnish coast at Saarinen Kartano. Harpsichordist Sonja Leipold performs with two different harpsichords with special tunings. Live recorded by Sebastian Meyer.