arbesbach 2016

arbesbach 2016

is a cartographic performance, that is, a musical performance situated in a specific location. It was realised, recorded and filmed in September 2016 in the Vienna Woods (Wienerwald) in Vienna, Austria.


I like the water beneath my feet, the sound of nature and the nearby road mixing with the music. The performance is based on in a series of previous improvisations in the same location. Music and environmental sounds mix.  What I perceive, feel, notice, dream, and think comes in, too. A polyphony of sounds come together in my listening process during the performance.

This performance is a feminist action.
The personal becomes political.
My inside connects to my environment as I perform.

Standing in the water I listen:

to the murmuring brook,
to the cars passing by (clearly, we are in the anthropocene now),
to birdcalls,
to an inner sonosphere,
to (my) mind.

I notice the warmth of sunrays on my shoulders, the cold water around my feet (through the boots), the joy of performing and handling my instrument in this environment. I remember my childhood: I had often played in this brook as a young girl.

I reflect on my position as an artist, citizen, and woman within this precarious environment.

Precarious life
is the title of an essay and book by Judith Butler (2004).

Pauline Oliveros has coined the expression sonosphere in her 2011 essay Auralizing the sonosphere: a vocabulary for inner sound and sounding.

Carol Hanisch has written her essay The personal is political in 1969.