02/08/2020 OE1 series KUNSTRADIO 23:00 – 24:00
presented and curated by Elisabeth Zimmermann
available via webradio until August 8th here: https://oe1.orf.at/player/20200802/607747
ISOLATION ISLAND – Reisebericht von einer Dämmerungslinie (2020)
This is the premiere of my 41 minute radio composition – or should I say radio experiment? – commissioned by KUNSTRADIO. It’s about my experiences and explorations as an artist in residence on Örö, a tiny island in the Finnish archipelago. Woven into field recordings, electronic music, and remixed compositions that were inspired by the residency, I talk and play my contrabass recorder. And, of course, I reflect upon some more recent observations about the lockdown, which reminded me so much about the exposed and isolated situation in Finland.
Anna Clare Hauf, mezzosoprano
Molly McDolan, Ana Inés Feola, baroque oboe instruments
Ensemble airborne extended:
Caroline Mayrhofer, alto recorder
Elena Gabbrielli, bass flute
Tina Žerdin, harp
Sonja Leipold, harpsichord
Remix and electronic music by Pia Palme
Mastering and radio sound design: Elmar Peinelt, ORF Funkhaus studios
Texts by Pia Palme written on Örö, Finland 2018 and in Vienna 2020
Thanks to the Örö Residency Programme, SKE Austro mechana, FWF Austrian Science Fund, BMKOES Ministry for supporting this work.