Sore and audioscore for ABSTRIAL

Do 25.4. bis Sa 27.4. / 20:30 im KosmosTheater Wien


a radical contemporary opera

Concept: Pia Palme, Electric Indigo, Paola Bianchi, Ivan Fantini
Direction & choreography: Paola Bianchi
Texts: Anne Waldman, Ivan Fantini, Pia Palme
Installation: Ivan Fantini
Composition for baritone solo, 3 female voices, contrabassrecorder: Pia Palme
Composition for computer and 10 speakers: Electric Indigo
Singers: Bartolo Musil, Eva-Maria Kumpfmüller, Johanna von der Deken, Anna Clare Hauf
Performance: Paola Bianchi, Pia Palme, Electric Indigo
Lightning design: Paolo Pollo Rodighiero
Sound design: Christina Bauer

Foto by: Markus Gradwohl
Foto by: Markus Gradwohl


Tageskarten: € 17,– | erm. 13,– & 10,– | KosmosEuro 1,– | Sparpaket 72,–
Reservierung: Tel. 01/523 12 26, karten@kosmostheater.at

Dank an unsere Förderer: Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien, BMUKK, Erste Bank, KosmosTheater, Remaprint.

ABSTRIAL ist radikale, zeitgenössische Oper in größtmöglicher Transparenz, eine flüchtige Darbietung steter und unaufhaltsamer Prozesse. Ivan Fantinis Installation aus aufgehendem Brotteig und Gläsern bildet die Achse, um die sich die Performance von Paola Bianchi, der beiden live musizierenden Komponistinnen und der SängerInnen bewegt. Motiv ist der Zerfall alltäglicher Werte, Bedeutungen, Strukturen und die daraus entstehenden von den KünstlerInnen neu zusammengesetzten Gefüge. Texte der US-amerikanischen Dichterin Anne Waldman geben zusammen mit fallenden Gläsern die Rhythmik der allgemeinen Dekomposition und Restrukturierung vor. ABSTRIAL setzt diese materielle Ebene in direkten Zusammenhang mit zeitgenössischer Komposition, elektronischer Musik und Performance. Der Titel ist eine Zusammensetzung aus den Worten Abstraktion und Material.

Storyboard for ABSTRIAL: created by Bianchi&Palme

Foto by: Markus Gradwohl

ABSTRIAL is an opera of maximum transparency, a presentation of imperturbably continuing processes. Ivan Fantini’s installation made of bread dough and glasses constitutes the ideational axis for the performances of Paola Bianchi, the two composers who play live, and the vocalists.

Guiding themes are the disintegration of quotidian values, meanings and fabrics, and consequently arising structures re-composed by the artists. The gradually changing installation resulting in falling glasses join with Anne Waldman’s text to create structure and rhythm ruling decomposition and reorganization.

ABSTRIAL connects the material level directly to contemporary composition, electronic music and text. The made-up word ABSTRIAL is a composite of “abstraction” and “material”.

Composer Pia Palme uses four voices in a radical way: a baritone sings the solo part – partially transmitted via headphones as an audio-score. Three female voices form a choir that reads from conventional scores. Electric Indigo’s composition is based on language and voice too. Yet, using granular and spectral analysis of spoken words, she creates entirely abstract sounds and textures.

The body is Paola Bianchi’s specific language, her instrument, but also her study subject. Both in performance and in choreography, position and shape of bodies in space are of equal importance as the “inner” choreography of muscles, tendons, skin, and the reactions within the body.

The American writer Anne Waldman provided a customized text for the play, tailored to its concept and themes. Italian text fragments by Ivan Fantini and German parts by Pia Palme complement the literary fundament.

“Time doesn’t fly, it is a timeless present that we don’t comprehend. Is there any ‘here’? Is there any ‘now’? Time doesn’t fly, it is an approximation of our perception. The sky is above and below, you can only lose yourself.”(Ivan Fantini)