
First Snow by Palme

About Yoko Ono’s performance at MQ in Vienna and my part in it see Sascha Osaka’s album:

It was great to enjoy her presence!


Donnerstag, 8.11.2012, 20:00 at Verein08
Ryoko Akama und Pia Palme


Take a tape of the sound of the snow falling.
This should be done in the evening.
Do not listen to the tape.
Cut it and use it as strings to tie gifts with.
(Yoko Ono)

Der erste Schnee ist schon gefallen, also machen Pia Palme und Ryoko Akama zum ersten Mal gemeinsam Musik mit Kontrabassblockflöte, Shamisen und Elektronik.

Piaristengasse 60, 1080 Wien

Foto: by Herbert Lacina at Verein08